Where LIPTON YELLOW LABEL black tea is the cheapest: Lithuania, Germany or Poland?

Today, we are comparing the price of LIPTON YELLOW LABEL black tea in Lithuania, Germany, and Poland. All prices are for a standard pack of 100 tea bags and do not include any discounts. To ensure accuracy, the prices were sourced from the largest online grocery stores in each country: ‘Barbora’ in Lithuania, ‘Kaufland’ in Germany, and ‘Auchan’ in Poland.

LIPTON YELLOW LABEL black tea price in Lithuania is 4.99 EUR:

In Germany, the packaging is a bit more colorful. Despite that, the tea remains the same. The discounted price is 4.14 EUR. However, as mentioned earlier, it wouldn’t be fair to compare prices with discounts against those without. The price without the discount is 4.33 EUR:

In Poland, the packaging is the same as in Lithuania. The price is 14.39 zł, which, at today’s official exchange rate, equals 3.34 EUR:

As we can see, the price in Lithuania is the highest compared to these three neighboring countries. But what about wages? Could it be because wages are higher in Lithuania? Unfortunately, that’s not the case. According to Wikipedia, the average net wage in Q2 2024 was: 1,353 EUR in Lithuania, 5,641 PLN (1,318 EUR) in Poland, and 3,118 EUR in Germany.

If we calculate how many tea packages a person can buy with the average wage in each country, the situation would look like this:

  1. Germany: 720;
  2. Poland: 392;
  3. Lithuania: 271.

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